timoni: Baby!
timoni: Here we are
timoni: and at that moment
timoni: Liz in the elevator
timoni: Action shot
timoni: Thanks Will
timoni: Party picture
timoni: Luke in pretending-the-camera-isn't-there mode
timoni: Lindsey at the party
timoni: Doug on the sofa
timoni: Marianne, cheerfully
timoni: Garth, thoughtfully
timoni: Garth et al
timoni: Always prepared
timoni: I ain't sayin nothin
timoni: All alone in line
timoni: I think he's concentrating, actually
timoni: The not-an-Artist at Work
timoni: Kim and Lindsey and Chris
timoni: Amy
timoni: Finity in green
timoni: Luke's Orange Period
timoni: Marianne eating a frog
timoni: Doug at the party looking grainy
timoni: Garth at the party
timoni: Marianne at the party looking blurry