DoctorTimbo: Early Morning Triangles
DoctorTimbo: Morning Dew Drop
DoctorTimbo: Grey Dagger Moth Caterpillar
DoctorTimbo: European Garden Spider
DoctorTimbo: Simpsons Monopoly
DoctorTimbo: My heart keeps me ticking
DoctorTimbo: Time keeps Ticking
DoctorTimbo: Shapwick Hoard
DoctorTimbo: First Impression
DoctorTimbo: Sparkle
DoctorTimbo: Divided or united?
DoctorTimbo: Divided Jelly baby
DoctorTimbo: Fly Buffet (Sarcophaga)
DoctorTimbo: male and female bush crickets
DoctorTimbo: sting as sharp as a tack
DoctorTimbo: Worn Tractor Seat
DoctorTimbo: Greasy Gear
DoctorTimbo: The Sands of Time
DoctorTimbo: Electric Brush x5
DoctorTimbo: Glitter Brush
DoctorTimbo: Blue Reflections
DoctorTimbo: Bee on hydrangea
DoctorTimbo: Small fly mimic "I'm not a bee"
DoctorTimbo: Mostly White day on the beach
DoctorTimbo: Ladybird buffet
DoctorTimbo: Stripy Caterpillar
DoctorTimbo: Fungus on a branch
DoctorTimbo: Flowers in the rain
DoctorTimbo: Large house spider-1