timmorgan: Nice Paint Job
timmorgan: Setting up the Tables
timmorgan: Grandpa Moss and Allison
timmorgan: Family Gathering
timmorgan: My Bride
timmorgan: Trying to get everyone to sit down and eat
timmorgan: Aunts and Bethany
timmorgan: Dan, Kay, and Bradley
timmorgan: Cindy, Greg, and Mike
timmorgan: I'll have some more Limeade, Aaron
timmorgan: Sitting down to eat
timmorgan: Statler and Waldorf
timmorgan: Family Ribbing
timmorgan: Standing Around
timmorgan: Standing and Eating
timmorgan: Standing and Chatting
timmorgan: Cherries
timmorgan: The Newlyweds
timmorgan: The Newlyweds
timmorgan: The Newlyweds
timmorgan: The Family Moss
timmorgan: The Family Moss
timmorgan: Cutting the Cake
timmorgan: Kathie and Jean, plumbing experts
timmorgan: IMG_5453.JPG
timmorgan: IMG_5454.JPG
timmorgan: IMG_5462.JPG
timmorgan: June, Jean, Kathie