timmenzies: 21st century england
timmenzies: You know England is a dire place when...
timmenzies: England = diversity
timmenzies: Gates of Hyde Park
timmenzies: Hyde park, as I fell asleep
timmenzies: Hyde park, when I awoke
timmenzies: A credit to the empire
timmenzies: Camden lock
timmenzies: Beer! Sport of kings and queens and under-aged drinkers everywhere
timmenzies: Alexander Egyed
timmenzies: Paul Grünbacher
timmenzies: ASE 2007 program committee
timmenzies: Bright, but blurry
timmenzies: Day (daze) of wine and neurons
timmenzies: IMG_1893.JPG
timmenzies: IMG_1889.JPG
timmenzies: IMG_1888.JPG
timmenzies: IMG_1885.JPG
timmenzies: IMG_1899.JPG
timmenzies: IMG_1896.JPG
timmenzies: IMG_1894.JPG
timmenzies: Thames in sunshine
timmenzies: London on the Thames
timmenzies: Cleopatra's needle
timmenzies: This town builds statues to scientitsts
timmenzies: Bridget Jone's bridge
timmenzies: London pubs
timmenzies: Skateboard park under the embankment, London
timmenzies: Selling books on the embarkment
timmenzies: Manic glockenspiels