Tim Melling: Finsch's Wheatear
Tim Melling: Dalmatian Pelican
Tim Melling: Woodchat Shrike
Tim Melling: "And every breath we drew was hallelujah"
Tim Melling: Rüppell's warbler
Tim Melling: Cretzschmar's Bunting
Tim Melling: Sombre Tit
Tim Melling: Pygmy Cormorants
Tim Melling: Eastern Black-eared Wheatear
Tim Melling: Death's-head Click-beetle (Calais parreysii)
Tim Melling: Mammatus clouds at Ephesus
Tim Melling: "Old Red Eyes is back..."
Tim Melling: Penduline Tit
Tim Melling: Eastern Festoon
Tim Melling: Rock Nuthatch
Tim Melling: Dalmatian Pelicans
Tim Melling: Syrian Woodpecker
Tim Melling: Standing out from the crowd
Tim Melling: Cirl Bunting
Tim Melling: Isabelline Wheatear
Tim Melling: Swallowtail
Tim Melling: Finsch's Wheatear
Tim Melling: Nettle Tree Butterfly
Tim Melling: Pretty Flamingo....
Tim Melling: Barred Warbler
Tim Melling: Black-winged Stilt
Tim Melling: Eastern Black-eared Wheatear
Tim Melling: The Day of the Jackal
Tim Melling: Starred Agama
Tim Melling: Two interesting waders