TimMcAlpine: Frist Center
TimMcAlpine: Frist Center
TimMcAlpine: Shirts are here! #cuwcs
TimMcAlpine: Rise and shine! The Currency crew en route to Nashville #cuwcs #yfmeetup
TimMcAlpine: Dinner after a successful meeting #yfmeetup #cuwcs
TimMcAlpine: Matt Davis @cuwarrior teaching us the Filene Method of innovation #yfmeetup #cuwcs
TimMcAlpine: Setting the agenda Barcamp style #yfmeetup #cuwcs
TimMcAlpine: Venue for Young & Free Marketers Meet-up and Spokester Summit 2013 #yfmeetup #cuwcs
TimMcAlpine: @itsjustbrent emailing it in! #cuwcs
TimMcAlpine: Real talk from @andyjanning Thanks Andy #cuwcs
TimMcAlpine: Real talk from @andyjanning Thanks Andy!
TimMcAlpine: Audio technician is gone. Let's just hope I can keep this boat afloat #cuwcs #checkone
TimMcAlpine: Do you trust @jimmymarks? I do (as long as he's not dancing with scissors) #cuwcs
TimMcAlpine: Tim Vandenberg schooling us on financial literacy #cuwcs
TimMcAlpine: William Azaroff @wazaroff with an extremely strong start to #cuwcs
TimMcAlpine: Wow, @matthewahawkins even works in his sleep! Thanks for all your hard work Matt! #cuwcs #yfmeetup
TimMcAlpine: Finishing with a bang and a zap and a ca-pow. Matt Davis @cuwarrior #cuwcs
TimMcAlpine: #cuwcs is changing lives. Proof: @rshevlin has declared his love to @andyjanning
TimMcAlpine: Inspiring session with @lindabodie and @tinfoiling #cuwcs
TimMcAlpine: The Godfather of servant leadership within credit unions @mattmonge Great advice Matt #cuwcs
TimMcAlpine: Excellent session by @sharistorm. Rocking it! #cuwcs
TimMcAlpine: Way to go @currencysandy Super proud of you, our team, our clients and our Spokesters #cuwcs
TimMcAlpine: Rob Oxoby from the University of Calgary explaining what he does and why it matters #cuwcs
TimMcAlpine: William, Shari, Chris
TimMcAlpine: Hug it out
TimMcAlpine: Shari X2
TimMcAlpine: Chris Anderson
TimMcAlpine: Aly and Sandy
TimMcAlpine: Kate and Aly
TimMcAlpine: CUWCS 13