timlauer: Ms. Rotwein at lunch duty... #lewis #twitter
timlauer: Walk & Bike Day tomorrow! #lewis #twitter
timlauer: First graders in PE #lewis #twitter
timlauer: School lunch today for Mr. Chully... #lewis,#twitter
timlauer: Picture retakes today... #lewis #twitter
timlauer: Mr. Colvin capturing photos of our drama production ... #lewis #twitter
timlauer: Kindergarten caterpillars #lewis #twitter
timlauer: Thank you @pamelakennedy17 for your help with the bulletin board... #lewis #twitter
timlauer: Selim cleaning the windows... #lewis #openingday #twitter
timlauer: Friday after school... #lewis #twitter
timlauer: Lunch note of the day #twitter #lewis
timlauer: Kindergarten students sketching our apple trees in the garden. #latergram
timlauer: Watching the excavation for our rain garden...
timlauer: Just about ready. Opening Day is tomorrow.
timlauer: Monday evening... Summer is winding down... School starts Wednesday.
timlauer: Visiting Ms. Murphy's 1st grade classroom...
timlauer: Young Depave volunteers...
timlauer: A great turnout for our playground Depave project... @depave #pdx
timlauer: End of the day...
timlauer: We have a great custodial crew. Thank you Selim and Rasema!
timlauer: Mrs. Zimmerman with her 1st grade math group.
timlauer: Made it outside... #norainydayrecess
timlauer: Kindergarten students off to see Peter Pan...
timlauer: Teacher Dana sharing 'The Story of Ruby Bridges' with her students...
timlauer: Friday afternoon at Lewis... #tw
timlauer: Photo
timlauer: What Does the Fox Say? #tshirtoftheday #tw #lewis
timlauer: Field Day... #lewis #twitter
timlauer: Lewis Pasta Dinner... A fundraiser for purr 5th grade science camp trip. #lewis #twitter
timlauer: Chemical reactions... Mr. Hansen's 3rd grade... #lewis #twitter