liacatherine: images 024
liacatherine: images 025
liacatherine: images 032
liacatherine: Little Hippie
liacatherine: Mr. Magoo
liacatherine: Napping
liacatherine: Napping
liacatherine: On Daddy's chest
liacatherine: Napping with Daddy
liacatherine: In his crib
liacatherine: With big sister
liacatherine: Big sister sniff
liacatherine: Peace lily
liacatherine: He loves napping with Daddy
liacatherine: Snuggly Dad
liacatherine: Bundled up for the ride home!
liacatherine: Hulloh?!
liacatherine: Sweet face
liacatherine: Mugshot
liacatherine: Snuggly
liacatherine: Swaddled
liacatherine: Swaddly baby
liacatherine: Brand new!
liacatherine: Hours old
liacatherine: Bonding with Daddy
liacatherine: Gas or smile?
liacatherine: My eye! (He found his thumb ...)
liacatherine: Monkey Feet