timestranger: Jones-Emberson 1
timestranger: WR 134
timestranger: NGC281
timestranger: Blue Angels
timestranger: Mirror
timestranger: M31 Andromeda
timestranger: CED 214
timestranger: IC1871 in Soul
timestranger: Cloudy night, XiShui
timestranger: Cloudy night, XiShui
timestranger: XiShui, HuBei
timestranger: DaBie mountain
timestranger: Dawn
timestranger: Aurora and Orion
timestranger: Orion, Aurora and CA817 at dawn
timestranger: NGC7023
timestranger: IC5070
timestranger: Epcot parking
timestranger: Manta ride at Sea World
timestranger: Discovery Cove
timestranger: Monorail, Epcot
timestranger: Spaceship Earth
timestranger: Epcot, World Showcase
timestranger: Epcot, World Showcase
timestranger: Epcot, World Showcase
timestranger: NGC3718
timestranger: NGC4038,4039
timestranger: Sh2-235