Raymond Zoellick: Cascade Panorama
Raymond Zoellick: I'm backkkkkkkk!!
Raymond Zoellick: back again
Raymond Zoellick: looking up
Raymond Zoellick: Sunglasses
Raymond Zoellick: Discovering Parks
Raymond Zoellick: 10,000 views!! Thank you guys!!
Raymond Zoellick: I'M NOT DEAD - I turned 21 yesterday.. ha
Raymond Zoellick: Pole Vault Conference Champion WHAT?!
Raymond Zoellick: looking back and reflecting (1 YEAR!!)
Raymond Zoellick: this is so... typical me :)
Raymond Zoellick: spring sun
Raymond Zoellick: sunglasses
Raymond Zoellick: early solstice
Raymond Zoellick: dancin' till the world ends
Raymond Zoellick: so, this is me
Raymond Zoellick: warm spring
Raymond Zoellick: every day I'm shufflin
Raymond Zoellick: spring sun
Raymond Zoellick: lean back
Raymond Zoellick: FINISHED!! (and 100th upload)
Raymond Zoellick: I hate finals week....