timeinabox: All in a Row - Explored
timeinabox: Life on the edge - Explored
timeinabox: Feel like I'm on fire! -Explored
timeinabox: Looking for my glasses! - Explored
timeinabox: Stitching
timeinabox: Three in Three
timeinabox: Point me in the right direction
timeinabox: Bokeh Angel
timeinabox: In the Corner
timeinabox: The Prayer - Macro Mondays - Inspired by a Song
timeinabox: Just White Paper - Macro Mondays
timeinabox: Appealing flower - It's A-peeling to me - Macro Mondays
timeinabox: Happy Macro Mouse - Macro Mondays - Say Cheese
timeinabox: Here's my Heart -Macro Mondays - Heart
timeinabox: Guardian of the Garden -Macro Mondays - Black and White
timeinabox: Wilting Beauty - The Space - "In Between" Macro Mondays
timeinabox: Shadow Art
timeinabox: Careful where you step! - Macro Mondays - Metal
timeinabox: Happy 10th Birthday MM! - Macro Mondays - Happy Ten Years
timeinabox: Edelweiss - Macro Mondays - Cloth/Textiles
timeinabox: Contrast - Macro Mondays - Orange and Blue
timeinabox: Teeny Tiny Cup - Macro Mondays - Glaze
timeinabox: H2O - Macro Mondays - Intentional Blur
timeinabox: Raspberry - Into the Woods - Macro Mondays
timeinabox: Wood Chip - Macro Mondays - Chip
timeinabox: Mr. Macro - Macro Mondays - Pareidolia
timeinabox: Kokopelli The Flute Player - Macro Mondays - Silhouette
timeinabox: Peace Lily - Macro Mondays - Poisonous
timeinabox: Blue Broken Bowl -Macro Mondays - Broken
timeinabox: Gone Fishing -Macro Mondays - Relaxation