Time Grabber: Dyffryn House
Time Grabber: Mirrored Parallel
Time Grabber: Dyffryn House & Planters
Time Grabber: Dyffryn House & Chair
Time Grabber: Shifting Sands
Time Grabber: Rocks and Crystal
Time Grabber: Slats on Gold
Time Grabber: Man-made natural habitats ?
Time Grabber: WFC Group 1
Time Grabber: WFC Group 2
Time Grabber: New Day
Time Grabber: Pit Props & Head
Time Grabber: Explosives Truck
Time Grabber: Reflecting Pit Head Closure
Time Grabber: Welsh Coal Miner
Time Grabber: Nuts & Bolts
Time Grabber: Clock & Cog
Time Grabber: Not Working
Time Grabber: New River Severn Crossing
Time Grabber: Sunset in Suspension
Time Grabber: Drive Chain at Rest
Time Grabber: Pit Wheels
Time Grabber: Broken and In Pane
Time Grabber: Carbon Footprint
Time Grabber: Driving Blind
Time Grabber: Pit Boots
Time Grabber: Old Work Boots
Time Grabber: Standing Tall
Time Grabber: The Forge
Time Grabber: Day Tripper