timdarklighter: The PSC team (L to R) - Rob, John, Damien, Grace, and Trinity
timdarklighter: The PSC team (L to R) - Rob, John, Damien, Grace, and Trinity
timdarklighter: The PSC team (L to R) - Rob, John, Damien, Grace, and Trinity
timdarklighter: Who throws a shoe? Honestly...
timdarklighter: Resting on the buzzer boxes
timdarklighter: Supreme Leader Asha decrees
timdarklighter: And the winner is...
timdarklighter: Thumbs-up
timdarklighter: Lining up for the Start meeting
timdarklighter: Meanwhile in the Control Room...
timdarklighter: Pre-game snacks
timdarklighter: Before the rounds begin
timdarklighter: The album cover...err Pre-tourney practice
timdarklighter: Pre-tourney practice