timdarklighter: 01 - This old house
timdarklighter: 04 - The garage aka box staging area
timdarklighter: 05 - There's a TV stand hidden in there
timdarklighter: 06 - The sensitive items sit on the pool table
timdarklighter: 07 - New house, no stuff
timdarklighter: 09 - Posing in the new yard
timdarklighter: 17 - Hey dad!
timdarklighter: 18 - Soon to be blackberries
timdarklighter: 19 - Rained upon rose
timdarklighter: 20 - The sun trapped in a puddle
timdarklighter: 23 - One person's weed...
timdarklighter: 33 - First restaurant trip post-vaccine
timdarklighter: 35 - First restaurant trip post-vaccine
timdarklighter: 36 - Mirror self-portrait