Tim Clary: Daenerys Targaryen
Tim Clary: Ryan Van Sickle (People of Plus #9)
Tim Clary: Jon Snow
Tim Clary: Arya Stark
Tim Clary: Stannis Baratheon
Tim Clary: Tyrion Lannister
Tim Clary: Robb Stark
Tim Clary: Y’gritte, the Wilding
Tim Clary: Melisandre of Asshai
Tim Clary: Klaas Van der Auwera
Tim Clary: Norah
Tim Clary: Ninah Mars - Venezuelan Rock Star
Tim Clary: 6x6x2012 (Work in Progress)
Tim Clary: Cathryn Orchard (People of Plus #8)
Tim Clary: Ramaa (sketch)
Tim Clary: Ramaa
Tim Clary: Laurie DesAutels
Tim Clary: Kayli & Kitty Art Card
Tim Clary: Randy Resnick (People of Plus #7)
Tim Clary: Tim Jones
Tim Clary: Jean-Pierre Welch
Tim Clary: Chee Chew
Tim Clary: Woman and Horse
Tim Clary: Kayli’s dogs
Tim Clary: Beau & Marie
Tim Clary: Renata Sherwin (People of Plus #6)
Tim Clary: Kerry Art Card
Tim Clary: Commission (WIP)
Tim Clary: Grace Uhm
Tim Clary: Josu Maroto (Faces of Flickr #34)