timc74: P1010011_1
timc74: timiseight
timc74: Desert Spirit 2008, Joshua Tree
timc74: P1010013
timc74: Swimming among stalactites, Blue Hole
timc74: Feet, sand, water
timc74: IMG_0926
timc74: Diving the Blue Hole, Belize
timc74: Steve's Butterfly Tattoo
timc74: IMG_1316.JPG
timc74: Yo Yo Momma Dawg
timc74: OMG This robot is taking me away, that's so cool!
timc74: IMG_0915
timc74: A Picture Share!
timc74: Damn y'all I got fat.
timc74: victorians
timc74: protest
timc74: IMG_0829.JPG
timc74: Nearly naked for charity
timc74: Tunicate (need ID)
timc74: overgrown ivy house
timc74: Emmylou Harris at the SF Bluegrass Festival
timc74: 20151118-171326-PB180145.jpg
timc74: Nudibranchs (need ID)
timc74: IMG_1998
timc74: kitty action shot!
timc74: the new land barons ride fixies
timc74: Photo 17 of 27
timc74: 20151114-090914-PB130046.jpg
timc74: iPhone flickr app test