TimBukToo: Entrance to Tongariro National Park - 1980
TimBukToo: Taranaki Falls
TimBukToo: Taranaki Falls
TimBukToo: Tussock grass en route to Mangatepopo Hut
TimBukToo: Looking back toward Mt. Ruapehu
TimBukToo: View of Mt. Ngaurahoe from near the Mangatepopo Hut
TimBukToo: Fellow trampers at the Mangatepopo Hut
TimBukToo: "The Three Blokes" (Sid, Eric, and Dick), at the old Mangatepopo Hut (1980), after their day hike to the top of Mt. Ngaurahoe
TimBukToo: Mt. Ngaurahoe from the Mangatepopo Hut
TimBukToo: Enjoying the deck at Mangatepopo Hut
TimBukToo: The start of the track, near the hut, for tomorrow's tramp up to and over Mt. Tongariro
TimBukToo: Lengthening shadows on Mt. Ngaurahoe
TimBukToo: Warm glow from the setting sun
TimBukToo: Even the rocks glow in the setting sun
TimBukToo: The tramp begins before sunrise
TimBukToo: Starting the climb up to Mt. Tongariro & encountering more day hikers
TimBukToo: Hikers spread out ahead along the trail and across the high ridge
TimBukToo: Reaching the saddle between Ngaurahoe and Tongariro
TimBukToo: Everyone enjoying a rest break and a good photo stop
TimBukToo: Me with Mt. Ngaurahoe
TimBukToo: The aptly-named Red Crater
TimBukToo: Red Crater and the highest point on the track
TimBukToo: Beginning the slippery descent down to the Emerald Lakes
TimBukToo: Blue Lake
TimBukToo: Lake Rotoaira from the Ketetahi Hut - 1980
TimBukToo: Minerals in the water give the lakes their hue
TimBukToo: Emerald Lakes
TimBukToo: Striking contrasts of earth, sky, and water
TimBukToo: Looking back up the steep "Devil's Staircase" that we descended from the Red Crater to the Emerald Lakes
TimBukToo: More color to catch the eye