timbu: Room at the Tiara Park Atlantico, Lisbon Portugal
timbu: Tub
timbu: Hotel Lobby
timbu: Take 3
timbu: Lights, Camera, Action
timbu: Random mobile movie set in Lisboa
timbu: Relaxing on a park bench on our way to City Center
timbu: Me in the StarBucks
timbu: Jeannie outside of the StarBucks
timbu: Sour Cherries
timbu: Outside the Ginjinha stand
timbu: Castle View
timbu: City Centro in Lisboa
timbu: Statues & Blue Skies
timbu: New & Old
timbu: On Tour with red ear buds
timbu: Spires
timbu: Tour Bus - Passing a church
timbu: Tiles in Lisboa
timbu: Deli Display complete with little piggy head
timbu: Park near the Tiara Park Atlantico
timbu: iPhoneography
timbu: Yellow Wall
timbu: Hotel
timbu: Jeannie in a Taxi
timbu: Jeannie on the Segway
timbu: Lisbon Fortress
timbu: DSC_1214
timbu: DSC_1226