Timberhawks: Avoiding the rain by heading north...
Timberhawks: Zigs got to meet Petey, the dog next door...
Timberhawks: Clint trimming the decking...
Timberhawks: Chris, Duke, and Clint working on the new dock.
Timberhawks: Long walk on a short pier...
Timberhawks: Ian gets up from his nap.
Timberhawks: Some serious conversation...
Timberhawks: It was a breezy day...
Timberhawks: 2009-05-30 Pleasant Cabin
Timberhawks: Snacking on blueberries...
Timberhawks: Ian & Marlena
Timberhawks: The work continues...
Timberhawks: The sun begins to peek out...
Timberhawks: Barefoot carpentry...
Timberhawks: Setting the dock section...
Timberhawks: Running with scissors...
Timberhawks: Cordless tools rock...
Timberhawks: 2009-05-30 Pleasant Cabin
Timberhawks: Some swim time?
Timberhawks: Chilly!
Timberhawks: Travis & Ian
Timberhawks: Auntie Michelle and Marlena trying to stay warm...
Timberhawks: Travis setting up the boat for a quick sail...
Timberhawks: New scuba Barbie for our birthday!
Timberhawks: Dolphins...
Timberhawks: 2009-05-30 Pleasant Cabin
Timberhawks: Daggers and tillers...
Timberhawks: Shoving off...
Timberhawks: Still in the shallows...