t s george: painted turtle
t s george: ruffed grouse-Bonasa umbellus
t s george: ruffed grouse-Bonasa umbellus
t s george: ruffed grouse-Bonasa umbellus
t s george: seagulls in a line
t s george: Egrets in flight
t s george: dragonfly
t s george: Great Blue Heron
t s george: dragonfly
t s george: Willet - Tringa semipalmata
t s george: in the shadow of the sunset
t s george: muskrat
t s george: painted turtle
t s george: mallard
t s george: garter snake
t s george: muskrat
t s george: red-winged blackbird
t s george: common grackle - Quiscalus quiscula
t s george: red squirrel
t s george: taking a break
t s george: Red-legged partridge - Alectoris rufa
t s george: Red-legged partridge - Alectoris rufa
t s george: red tail hawk
t s george: Old Silver Beach sunset
t s george: two geese
t s george: The Mrs.