tikistitch: Sounders Game
tikistitch: Sounders Game
tikistitch: Sounders Game
tikistitch: Sounders Game
tikistitch: Sounders Game
tikistitch: Sounders Game
tikistitch: Sounders Game
tikistitch: Sounders Game
tikistitch: Sounders Game
tikistitch: Sounders Game
tikistitch: Sounders Game
tikistitch: Sounders Game
tikistitch: Sounders Game
tikistitch: OMG Seattle soccer hooligans!
tikistitch: Bought Mardi Gras monkey. Because it's all about athletic achievement!
tikistitch: ZOMG tubas! Things are going to get awesome!
tikistitch: Hey! The dudes in short pants have started jumping around!
tikistitch: Ganesha T
tikistitch: Ganesha T
tikistitch: CakeSpy T
tikistitch: CakeSpy T
tikistitch: Rainbow
tikistitch: Other end of the rainbow
tikistitch: Go to....
tikistitch: Stuck number 43 bus, Cap Hill
tikistitch: Stuck number 43 bus, Cap Hill