tikistitch: OMG we saw mamma bear & cubs so cuuuuuute!
tikistitch: Plane is so small it has to stop @ stoplight.
tikistitch: A reindeer kickline? We are SO eating here tonite.
tikistitch: Classy Alaska souvenirs yay!
tikistitch: Float plane we took this afternoon.
tikistitch: Growly bear
tikistitch: Om nom nom!
tikistitch: How close was we to bears?
tikistitch: King Salmon International Airport
tikistitch: The bus to Brooks
tikistitch: The inside of our cabin
tikistitch: Brooks Lodge cabin
tikistitch: The bear observation platform
tikistitch: Lookit, a moose!
tikistitch: Gus knows nothing of danger!
tikistitch: Inside the float plane
tikistitch: Launching the float plane
tikistitch: Everything looks cool from the air!
tikistitch: Bear!
tikistitch: A bear as seen off the observation deck
tikistitch: On noes, 2D bear!
tikistitch: Waterfall, Katmai
tikistitch: IMG_5555
tikistitch: IMG_5556
tikistitch: IMG_5557
tikistitch: IMG_5558
tikistitch: The waterfall, Katmai
tikistitch: IMG_5560
tikistitch: Gus setting up, Katmai
tikistitch: Katmai