carlosv1972: Snow Gear
carlosv1972: My permit
carlosv1972: The icy road there
carlosv1972: DSC00721.jpg
carlosv1972: DSC00722.jpg
carlosv1972: DSC00725.jpg
carlosv1972: Gearing up
carlosv1972: DSC00724.jpg
carlosv1972: Heading into the woods
carlosv1972: Snow shoes
carlosv1972: The cold surroundings
carlosv1972: The cold surroundings
carlosv1972: Me and my Peruvian beanie
carlosv1972: Snow on pine needles
carlosv1972: Surveying the landscape
carlosv1972: The cold surroundings
carlosv1972: Snowy Banks
carlosv1972: My snow shoes
carlosv1972: Carrying it home
carlosv1972: Our kill
carlosv1972: Loading our kill
carlosv1972: Loading our kill
carlosv1972: Alasdair Stewart