tigitogs: PICT1084
tigitogs: birdman
tigitogs: nephew
tigitogs: Don't look, you'll only encourage him
tigitogs: hardhat & streamer
tigitogs: Gold-BICEP!
tigitogs: Tie a Yellow striped ribbon
tigitogs: the robe
tigitogs: gimme that
tigitogs: nailbiting
tigitogs: lineout
tigitogs: 19: seaweedmonster
tigitogs: 20: why yes, we are famous, how could you tell?
tigitogs: 21: after the sketching, the swimming
tigitogs: 17: waiting for the next one
tigitogs: 1:ocean baths
tigitogs: 3:sketch lady
tigitogs: 4: Max Dupain did it better
tigitogs: 5: posing, but not for me
tigitogs: 6: medium rare
tigitogs: 7: the yoga woman again
tigitogs: 10: studiously not posing
tigitogs: 11: sketch lady warming up
tigitogs: 14: grandmother
tigitogs: 15: you can't escape the mobile phone
tigitogs: 16:come on, waves!
tigitogs: 18: one of these things is not like the others
tigitogs: Swannies by the sea
tigitogs: Canine shadow
tigitogs: Dog watching swimmer