Svetlana Serdiukova: Plushka has been on the slimming diet...
Svetlana Serdiukova: Basya feels at home
Svetlana Serdiukova: Basya the Mysterious Kitty
Svetlana Serdiukova: "A-hunting we will go! A-hunting we will go! We'll catch the cats and then we'll let them go!"
Svetlana Serdiukova: Basya: "Where's that mousie???"
Svetlana Serdiukova: "Look at my new outfit!"
Svetlana Serdiukova: Basya: ready for her new pranks!
Svetlana Serdiukova: "Put Your Paws in the Air!"
Svetlana Serdiukova: "Rumble in the Bronx!"
Svetlana Serdiukova: Basya the Beautiful
Svetlana Serdiukova: Basya, super light-weight boxing champion, lands trademark left hook on her rival!
Svetlana Serdiukova: A Well-Rounded Cat!
Svetlana Serdiukova: Basya the Model
Svetlana Serdiukova: Basya: "I am a little green cactus, aren't I?"
Svetlana Serdiukova: Basya: Pretty Kitty
Svetlana Serdiukova: Basya: "I'll tearrr ya to shrrredsss!"
Svetlana Serdiukova: Basya: Having Loads of Fun with a Ball of Yarn!
Svetlana Serdiukova: Window. Palm tree. Cat! =^..^=
Svetlana Serdiukova: Basya: one more portrait...
Svetlana Serdiukova: Basya: Looking For Me? Meow!
Svetlana Serdiukova: Basya: New Year Dreams
Svetlana Serdiukova: "Peek to the left! Peek to the right! Pull your head back in! There's a cat in sight!"
Svetlana Serdiukova: Basya: Twilight Cat
Svetlana Serdiukova: Basya: Beware the Cat on the Prowl!
Svetlana Serdiukova: Basya: Grrrrr!
Svetlana Serdiukova: "I Like To Move It, Move It"
Svetlana Serdiukova: Basya: All Sweetness & Light!
Svetlana Serdiukova: Basya: Huh?
Svetlana Serdiukova: Basya & The Wooden Cats