tigerscot.: Just flying off for some dessert
tigerscot.: Talk about being slapped round the face with a wet fish
tigerscot.: And that's just for starters
tigerscot.: I'm taking a dive
tigerscot.: Caught the little blighter
tigerscot.: Sorry to turn my back on you but I like to view things from all angles
tigerscot.: Another tiddler - still staves off starvation I suppose
tigerscot.: It's the end fish - you're going down pal
tigerscot.: I prefer my fish battered
tigerscot.: Escape? Not a chance mate
tigerscot.: I'm off again - Need a top up
tigerscot.: It got away! Need to rethink my tactics.
tigerscot.: Now I feel a bit stuffed
tigerscot.: woodland kingfisher
tigerscot.: Taking in the bird's eye view