tigerscot.: Got ya!!
tigerscot.: It's enough to turn your head
tigerscot.: What you lookin' at?
tigerscot.: Braking hard
tigerscot.: Eagle's eye view
tigerscot.: Matching my environs
tigerscot.: Great single talon catch
tigerscot.: Splash I know it's here somewhere
tigerscot.: The provider
tigerscot.: D'ya like my jodpurs?
tigerscot.: Zooming in on my target
tigerscot.: Here's lookin' at you kid
tigerscot.: What 'u staring at then?
tigerscot.: Who let YOU out dressed like that?
tigerscot.: What do you mean, calling me a banshee?
tigerscot.: Hand stand!
tigerscot.: Sorry, gotta go, can't stop here gossiping
tigerscot.: The eagle eye
tigerscot.: Tenement living, unwelcome neighbours
tigerscot.: Tenement living in a classier part of town
tigerscot.: You're not thinking of leaving me here on my own are you?
tigerscot.: You're abandoning me
tigerscot.: So what time does the show start then?
tigerscot.: I reckon we can take 'em on, BUT you can go first
tigerscot.: I've changed my mind......
tigerscot.: Majestic Cruisin'
tigerscot.: I'm feeling a bit peckish - I wonder if I could take these guys on by myself?
tigerscot.: Well here goes
tigerscot.: If Tschaikowsky had seen me, he would never have written a ballet about swans!
tigerscot.: I spy with my eagle eye........