tigerscot.: Smile tho your heart is achin'
tigerscot.: Highland roar
tigerscot.: The ladies
tigerscot.: Happiness is a guy and his gals - or is it?
tigerscot.: Deer chanel????
tigerscot.: Just one more toss, for luck
tigerscot.: And we're off........
tigerscot.: That grass looks greener, the talent might be better ......
tigerscot.: In hot pursuit
tigerscot.: The other deer retreats
tigerscot.: I just can't believe it........
tigerscot.: The loser
tigerscot.: How did that happen, there were 4 of us!!!
tigerscot.: Wonder if we should go and try again
tigerscot.: Naw, first I'll take over his mudpool
tigerscot.: And another for good measure
tigerscot.: The victor - happiness IS a guy and his gals
tigerscot.: Back off pal!!!
tigerscot.: Look at him, he's dozing off again
tigerscot.: So, will I get into the fashion mag then?
tigerscot.: His and hers
tigerscot.: Building my strength for the rutt