Tigerman20: 47 579 Sheffield 4-6-82
Tigerman20: 47 614 Sheffield 27-7-85
Tigerman20: 47 552 Sheffield 26-3-83
Tigerman20: 47 543 Sheffield 13-8-83
Tigerman20: 47 524, 47 401 Sheffield 17-2-83
Tigerman20: 47 439 Sheffield 24-7-82
Tigerman20: 47 402 Sheffield 29-5-82
Tigerman20: 47370 at Ipswich after years of open storage. 12-2-09.
Tigerman20: A grubby looking 47370 at Ipswich S.P. 12-2-09
Tigerman20: Nameplate removed, 47370 awaits the call to the scrapyard. Ipswich 12-2-09
Tigerman20: Seasonal greetings on the side of 47370 from the freightliner staff at Ipswich. 12-2-09
Tigerman20: The end is nigh in the career of 47370. Ipswich 12-2-09
Tigerman20: 47370 has finally been moved, and cleaned up, with it's call to the scrapyard coming within the next few days. Ipswich 21-5-09
Tigerman20: 47370 had been cleaned up by now in readiness for it's trip to Thomson's scrapyard, Stockton. 21-5-09.
Tigerman20: A last farewell look of 47370, the through brake piping clearly evident. 21-5-09
Tigerman20: Close-up of the coupling and cab of 47370. 21-5-09
Tigerman20: Close-up of the through piping to enable 47370 to be towed to Felixstowe for onward road transport. 21-5-09.
Tigerman20: Farewell old friend, thanks for the memories! Ipswich 21-5-09
Tigerman20: Sheffield, about to be hauled by 47826 as far as B'ham New St with the 1805 to Bristol. 16-3-98
Tigerman20: 47840 'North Star' at B'ham New St which hauled me as far as Derby on the 1650 Plymouth - Sheffield. 16-3-98
Tigerman20: Nameplate of 47840 taken at New Street before departure for Derby. 16-3-98