tigerita: resting at the camel market
tigerita: camel reflection
tigerita: camels for sale
tigerita: trio
tigerita: hungry camel
tigerita: line of camels
tigerita: leading away a camel
tigerita: scrawny camel
tigerita: noisy camels
tigerita: scraggletoothed camel
tigerita: camels for sale
tigerita: hungry camel
tigerita: posing with the camels
tigerita: apparently i take a lot of pictures of camels eating
tigerita: don't bite!
tigerita: this camel had already bitten the guy on the right. on his bum.
tigerita: unsuccessful attempt to drag the camel onto the truck
tigerita: they had rope tied around him and were pulling with the red truck
tigerita: camel transport
tigerita: more camels
tigerita: taking away some camels
tigerita: feeding a camel
tigerita: camel neck
tigerita: don't bite!
tigerita: camel protest
tigerita: dragging the camel onto the truck
tigerita: herding camels
tigerita: i apparently also take a lot of pictures of people trying to avoid being bitten
tigerita: camel legs