tifotter: Ducks
tifotter: Scotty, Tamara and Jessica
tifotter: Anthoney, Shay, Scotty and ?
tifotter: Jacob, Donna, Josh and Tamara
tifotter: Baby Tamara and Aunt Tiffany
tifotter: Aunt Lisa, Scott, Aunt Tiffany
tifotter: Joshua
tifotter: Family Photo
tifotter: Jacob, Donna, Josh and Tamara
tifotter: Jacob, Joshua and Tamara
tifotter: Scott, Baby Tamara, Aunt Tiffany
tifotter: Lisa, Great Grandma Young, Baby Tamara, Grandpa Joe
tifotter: Josh in high chair
tifotter: Josh in high chair
tifotter: Josh
tifotter: Great Grandma Young and Baby Tamara
tifotter: Baby Tamara
tifotter: Paula and Baby Josh
tifotter: Baby Joshua
tifotter: Baby Tamara and Grandpa Joe
tifotter: Lisa, Great Grandma Young, Baby Tamara and Grandpa Joe
tifotter: Scott and Paula
tifotter: Baby Tamara
tifotter: Scott and Paula
tifotter: Baby Tamara, Lisa and Grandpa Joe
tifotter: Baby Tamara and Grandpa Joe