tiffkathlee: 77mm biatches.
tiffkathlee: Teary eyed princess.
tiffkathlee: Merry Christmas to me!!
tiffkathlee: Whaat??
tiffkathlee: Mochi babyyy!
tiffkathlee: Hi Momo :)
tiffkathlee: How is it physically possible to be this ugly?
tiffkathlee: WINNAR.
tiffkathlee: Shuffle shuffle.
tiffkathlee: 17-35mm f/2.8L test ;)
tiffkathlee: 17-35mm f/2.8L test ;)
tiffkathlee: 17-35mm f/2.8L test ;)
tiffkathlee: 17-35mm f/2.8L test ;)
tiffkathlee: Aiden, you cutie.
tiffkathlee: Awww, soo adorable!
tiffkathlee: Why, hello there.
tiffkathlee: What's wrong??
tiffkathlee: What do you call a blind Bambi?