Tiffibunny: Lonely Swimmer
Tiffibunny: Preening II
Tiffibunny: Lone Duck on Log
Tiffibunny: Preening I
Tiffibunny: Preening III
Tiffibunny: Waiting For Bread III
Tiffibunny: Waiting For Bread I
Tiffibunny: Waiting For Bread II
Tiffibunny: Duck I
Tiffibunny: Duck II
Tiffibunny: Duck IV
Tiffibunny: Duck III
Tiffibunny: Ghost Geese
Tiffibunny: Sitting Duck
Tiffibunny: Kids With Birds
Tiffibunny: Ready For Ricing
Tiffibunny: Gathering For Winter
Tiffibunny: Soon For South
Tiffibunny: Herons Freak Out
Tiffibunny: Immature Snow Goose
Tiffibunny: Sleeping Goose & White Herons
Tiffibunny: Feeding
Tiffibunny: Nibble Nibble
Tiffibunny: All Lined Up
Tiffibunny: Follow The Leader
Tiffibunny: Duck Formation
Tiffibunny: Lots of Ducks
Tiffibunny: Canada Goose
Tiffibunny: Swimmin' Ducks
Tiffibunny: Ms. Mallard