Tidarling: I can see the skyline fading in the distance
Tidarling: Spring is here!
Tidarling: live it up live it up, or just come back home. 'cause these city lights are too much for you alone.
Tidarling: morning.
Tidarling: Everything comes full circle
Tidarling: Tea Time
Tidarling: Safe place
Tidarling: But can you feel this magic in the air?
Tidarling: Ummm I will think of a title for this later
Tidarling: you are the moon
Tidarling: in all this chaos,
Tidarling: I take it in for just a while, Like how the coast line tends to smile.
Tidarling: running from lions
Tidarling: Stay Beautiful
Tidarling: The tide is high, but I'm holding on.
Tidarling: Is he here yet?
Tidarling: Gravity
Tidarling: Secret 04/30
Tidarling: your future is in the cards.