Rich & Royal Hue: Orange fragile with roots collected in lab
Rich & Royal Hue: Puffball cluster collected
Rich & Royal Hue: Puffball cluster close
Rich & Royal Hue: Puffball cluster collected on log
Rich & Royal Hue: Randy holding flower
Rich & Royal Hue: Cirsium? sp? Thistle flower
Rich & Royal Hue: Cirsium? sp? Thistle flower vert
Rich & Royal Hue: Descent into the bog
Rich & Royal Hue: Ganoderma applanatum Artist's Conch inscribed
Rich & Royal Hue: Ganoderma applanatum Artist's Conch obsverse collected
Rich & Royal Hue: Sarracenia purpurea Pitcher Plant 2
Rich & Royal Hue: Sarracenia purpurea Pitcher Plant vert
Rich & Royal Hue: McLean Bog boardwalk
Rich & Royal Hue: Carex sp. Sedge infructescence seeds close
Rich & Royal Hue: Vaccinium corymbosum Highbush Blueberry leaves fall color closer
Rich & Royal Hue: Vaccinium corymbosum Highbush Blueberry leaves fall color close vert
Rich & Royal Hue: Vaccinium corymbosum Highbush Blueberry form fall color
Rich & Royal Hue: Monotropa uniflora Indian Pipe flash