Rich & Royal Hue:
Fragile orange gilled blur vert.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Hieracium americanum bear's head tooth fungus baby.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Slugs on stipe.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
speckled red cap (bolete?).JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Green jelly club.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Yellow fragile mushroom.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Little slimy brown cap.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Little slimy brown cap in situ vert.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Jeanne's prize bolete.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Jeanne's prize bolete top.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Jeanne's prize bolete under.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Jeanne bolete shoot 1.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Jeanne bolete shoot 2 vert.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Jeanne bolete shoot 4 nice pose.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Jeanne bolete shoot 5 best.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Rotten mushroom.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Mushrooms collected, brown fragile and tooth fungus/coral.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Ganoderma tsugae flash.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Ganoderma tsugae with Jeanne vert.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Rich & Royal Hue:
yellowish fan-like fungus blur.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Hericium americanum held by Kathie.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Hericium americanum Bear's Tooth held closer.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Kathie and bear's tooth vert.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Hericium americanum Bear's Tooth closer.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Hericium americanum Bear's Tooth best.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Xerula sp. in situ.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Xerula sp. side.JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Me with Xerula sp..JPG
Rich & Royal Hue:
Xerula sp. gills lit.JPG