tickspics: Arctic Tern
tickspics: Arctic Tern
tickspics: Large-billed Tern
tickspics: Large-billed Tern
tickspics: Caspian Tern
tickspics: Caspian Tern
tickspics: Royal Tern
tickspics: Fairy Tern
tickspics: Fairy Tern - chick
tickspics: Fairy Tern
tickspics: Greater Crested Tern (1 of 3)
tickspics: Greater Crested Tern (2 of 3)
tickspics: Greater Crested Tern (3 of 3)
tickspics: Saunder's Tern
tickspics: Fairy Terns
tickspics: Arctic Tern
tickspics: Arctic Tern (chick)
tickspics: Common Tern
tickspics: Common Tern
tickspics: Whiskered Tern
tickspics: Whiskered Tern
tickspics: Black Tern
tickspics: Saunders’ Tern (adult, non-breeding migrant)
tickspics: Saunders’ Tern (adult, non-breeding migrant)
tickspics: Saunders’ Tern (adult, non-breeding migrant)
tickspics: Greater Crested Tern (adult, resident species)
tickspics: Greater Crested Tern (juvenile and adult)
tickspics: Greater Crested Tern (adult, resident species)
tickspics: Greater Crested Tern (adult, resident species)
tickspics: Common Tern