tiboutoo: zander & jp are princes
tiboutoo: eating medieval samosas
tiboutoo: looking regal
tiboutoo: mike asks for the little glass
tiboutoo: ivan wants the mini-glass
tiboutoo: jamie's small glass meets ivan's big glass
tiboutoo: whitney's super cool glass
tiboutoo: the royal procession
tiboutoo: a rearing horse
tiboutoo: hi ranae!
tiboutoo: sarah fixes her crown
tiboutoo: the pagentry of the majestic medieval times show
tiboutoo: 3 cheers!
tiboutoo: whitney & michael like what they see
tiboutoo: whitney approves!
tiboutoo: HAHAHAHA
tiboutoo: hello chris
tiboutoo: hello there shannon
tiboutoo: with evan
tiboutoo: ivan & j hart show their medieval pride
tiboutoo: hi jason
tiboutoo: the knights of the strategic table
tiboutoo: with jessica
tiboutoo: our knight
tiboutoo: hi nikki
tiboutoo: with ivan (and ivan's goldfish bowl)
tiboutoo: with ashley
tiboutoo: ashley & ivan
tiboutoo: with becca, ashley and ivan
tiboutoo: with becca