tiboutoo: BEFORE - wall of storage
tiboutoo: BEFORE - full of stuff
tiboutoo: BEFORE - below the sink
tiboutoo: BEFORE - bathroom storage
tiboutoo: BEFORE - medicine cabinet
tiboutoo: BEFORE - kind of neat but too much stuff
tiboutoo: BEFORE - the towers of stuff
tiboutoo: BEFORE - my bedside
tiboutoo: DURING - the outbox
tiboutoo: AFTER - my kitchen is spotless!
tiboutoo: AFTER - clean, clean and more clean
tiboutoo: AFTER - tupperware, odds & ends
tiboutoo: AFTER - our sad pantry
tiboutoo: AFTER - spices
tiboutoo: AFTER - under the sink
tiboutoo: BEFORE - dining room table
tiboutoo: BEFORE - water stain
tiboutoo: AFTER - dining table
tiboutoo: AFTER - water stain
tiboutoo: BEFORE - coffee table
tiboutoo: AFTER - coffee table
tiboutoo: a home-cooked meal
tiboutoo: BEFORE & AFTER -- hall closet
tiboutoo: i fixed amy's piece
tiboutoo: our landing strip
tiboutoo: a home cooked meal
tiboutoo: curried squash and chicken over rice
tiboutoo: bean salad with tarragon dijon dressing
tiboutoo: malted brownies
tiboutoo: evan got me the red ones.