tiboutoo: amy & i
tiboutoo: we get roller skates for xmas!
tiboutoo: i heart rollerbaby poopunchka.
tiboutoo: at halloween
tiboutoo: punky at 6 weeks
tiboutoo: at halloween
tiboutoo: amy wins the grooming award
tiboutoo: amy's bedroom
tiboutoo: the sisters sunbathe
tiboutoo: very young in st croix
tiboutoo: the sisters scuba dive
tiboutoo: i cheer amy on at a ski meet
tiboutoo: the fam dropping me off for my high school semester in france
tiboutoo: amy at the eiffel tower
tiboutoo: amy outside of the louvre
tiboutoo: i LOVE this picture
tiboutoo: the sisters ski
tiboutoo: sisters in hilton head
tiboutoo: the fam in hilton head
tiboutoo: amy & i
tiboutoo: amy made me wings!
tiboutoo: my beautiful sister
tiboutoo: i kiss amy
tiboutoo: at the sanrio store in sf
tiboutoo: the sushi boat
tiboutoo: amy effs up
tiboutoo: amy, tt and i at lake angelus
tiboutoo: tt and i jump on the trampoline
tiboutoo: the fam in lake angelus
tiboutoo: amy's shower