tiboutoo: orca sleeps
tiboutoo: red eye reduction
tiboutoo: squinting
tiboutoo: eyes closing
tiboutoo: at the candy store
tiboutoo: cat peers down
tiboutoo: scared cat ears
tiboutoo: who's down there?
tiboutoo: cat peering out the window
tiboutoo: obedient
tiboutoo: orca applies at paxton gate
tiboutoo: can we go home now?
tiboutoo: can i play while you're working?
tiboutoo: can i go see the other dogs?
tiboutoo: can i chew on this nylabone?
tiboutoo: thank me?
tiboutoo: note
tiboutoo: my sushi
tiboutoo: evan's sushi
tiboutoo: sushi choices
tiboutoo: orca sleeps
tiboutoo: what more could i ask for?
tiboutoo: tina, which one should i play with?
tiboutoo: sunning
tiboutoo: staring off into space
tiboutoo: pretty orca
tiboutoo: orca sniffs out the competition
tiboutoo: orca meets an accordion
tiboutoo: orca meets a cat (1st cat)
tiboutoo: orca meets a cat (2nd cat)