tiblot: My All Purpose G35
tiblot: All Purpose G35!
tiblot: Baby Mickey! - 4/18 POD
tiblot: Cool looking sink - 4/23 POD
tiblot: Steaks are good! -5/14 POD
tiblot: Expert Dancers :) - 5/7 POD
tiblot: Samsung 50'' HDTV / Xbox 360
tiblot: DDR Addicts - 5/7 POD
tiblot: Parking - Park on Fox Mill if you cant find a spot! (Street Parking Allowed)
tiblot: Cicada Up Close and Personal
tiblot: More weeds
tiblot: Reflection
tiblot: One Yellow Weed
tiblot: P9270082
tiblot: Hokies!
tiblot: All fall down!
tiblot: P9270059
tiblot: Bet you havent seen a sink like this
tiblot: Uh, what kind of flowers?
tiblot: VT Spring Time
tiblot: Yeah, thats me
tiblot: Momma and kids
tiblot: Is this a Daisy?
tiblot: Steve of the Jungle
tiblot: More flowers!
tiblot: Guess whos eye?
tiblot: Some nice purple flowers
tiblot: Flower Close Up
tiblot: No idea what kind of flower...
tiblot: Want a pet?