@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Prometeo - Hombre de Fuego
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Domo de ceniza, Volcán nevado del Ruiz
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Corredor Polaco. Plaza de Bolivar. Manizales, Caldas, Colombia
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Bolivar Condor 2
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Frailejon B&W
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Crater la Olleta
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Palmas de cera del Quindío
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Valle del cocora B&W
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Frailejones y arbustos
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Manizales (B&W)
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Prometeo - Hombre de fuego, Cuerpo
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Baobabs, Adansonia
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Baobab en la tarde
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Bosque de Guadua, Giant Bambu Forest (Guadua angustifolia)
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Habitad Puma, Puma Concolor
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Streets of Manizales, Milan Neighborhood , Golden Hour in the Sunset
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Manizales Downtown
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Manizales from Cerro de Oro
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Comuna Atardeceres
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Manizales Sunset
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Valle del río la vieja, vista desde Quimbaya
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Montañas de occidente
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Atardecer en montañas de occidente
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Cafetales con sombra, Shaded coffee plantation
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Cafetal, Coffee Plantation
@Engalochadox - Art Photography ☆:
Paisaje Cafetero