tiantian: stiring the rice
tiantian: stiring the rice
tiantian: dinner with yang 4
tiantian: dinner with yang 3
tiantian: dinner with yang 2
tiantian: dinner with E, M, and I.
tiantian: dinner with yang 1
tiantian: Thai Restaurant1
tiantian: four colour pasta
tiantian: option 2 at the secret Korean restaurant
tiantian: porcelain glows
tiantian: notebook with scribbles
tiantian: dinner with E, M and I.
tiantian: dinner with Emile, Michael and Isaac
tiantian: hands
tiantian: dining alone
tiantian: pizza produced by ICCO
tiantian: food containers at ICCO
tiantian: a box of teboula
tiantian: What I ordered at Mary Ward Cafe
tiantian: Lassi
tiantian: a round table lunch
tiantian: a very fine day
tiantian: my 5-yuan lunch
tiantian: lunch in the boat
tiantian: 20 yuan supper in the office | 20元的丽华快餐盒饭
tiantian: domestic( not imported) lemon
tiantian: domestic( not imported) lemon
tiantian: my 5-yuan lunch
tiantian: my 5-yuan lunch