TiaMichele: Toronto: Rooftop Garden - Bee-full Flower 01
TiaMichele: Toronto: Rooftop Garden - Bee-full Flower 02
TiaMichele: Toronto: Rooftop Garden - Bee-less Flower
TiaMichele: Toronto: Rooftop Garden - Hello Kitty
TiaMichele: Toronto: Rooftop Garden - Pinks and Greens
TiaMichele: Toronto: Rooftop Garden - Sunlight and Lilies
TiaMichele: Toronto: Flowers at Bay and King - August 2012
TiaMichele: Toronto: Flowers at Bay and King - May 2012
TiaMichele: African Violets in Black and White 01
TiaMichele: African Violets in Black and White 02
TiaMichele: African Violets in Colour 01
TiaMichele: African Violets in Colour 02