tiagovaz: Interesting adapted bathroom at Frankfurt airport
tiagovaz: The amazing talk room for DebConf11
tiagovaz: venue internals
tiagovaz: Videoteam mixer being set up
tiagovaz: Audience view of second talk room
tiagovaz: another view from second talk room
tiagovaz: DebConf magic bus
tiagovaz: debian people scaring locals
tiagovaz: going to the monastery
tiagovaz: happy people going to the monastery
tiagovaz: Marija Zvijezda
tiagovaz: Monastery way
tiagovaz: breaking the monastery silence
tiagovaz: debian people enjoying the monastery
tiagovaz: beautiful tree in the monastery
tiagovaz: debian rox
tiagovaz: cheese and wine produced in monastery
tiagovaz: monastery church internals
tiagovaz: monastery church internals
tiagovaz: Liturgical book - early music notation (?)
tiagovaz: monastery church internals
tiagovaz: organ from monastery church
tiagovaz: daniel's confusing t-shirt
tiagovaz: monastery internals
tiagovaz: we haz kats
tiagovaz: view from the monastery
tiagovaz: wine and cheese shop inside
tiagovaz: tassia very proud of her new t-shirt
tiagovaz: kuteness
tiagovaz: the gunnar