lukaszW75: 390A5801
Juanma breva: El jardín..
Eric Gofreed: Unexpected Aggression
E_Rick1502: Ruddy Turnstone
....Daniel....: Female peregrine falcon.
lime1957: Least Tern
PMBrem: Gannet
anaistrepanier: Cormorans à aigrettes - Phalacrocorax auritus - Double-crested Cormorant-B2
Magnolfi Lorenzo "MAGNO": Eurasian Teal - Alzavola
monte stinnett: Royal Terns
PedroLMarques: Maçarico-de-bico-direito (Limosa limosa)
peterspencer49: Kestrel (m)
Víctor Ortega Horcajo: Tetrax tetrax
monte stinnett: Royal Terns
blogmywildlife: Lynx pardelle (Iberian lynx - Lynx pardinus)
Geoff Newhouse Photography: April 28, 2024-2.jpg
Naturfotografie Simon Edel: Kormoran / Great cormorant / Phalacrocorax carbo
Dave Pley Wildlife Photography: Violet swallow-enos April 24
KaAuenwasser: Blaumeisen Abflug
josemanueldominguez: Emberiza calandra ( escribano triguero )
Greatoutdoorman: In the Reed bed
jaygum_photo: Tartaranhão-caçador (Circus pygargus)
stephen-yang: 17鵂鶹-20240316-Sony A1+600mm f4 GM-00730
Wild & Untamed Photography: Zwergtaucher_A1_600GM_CH
angeloalmeida2010: DSCF6745-30-03-24
JG Photography86: Northern Pintail.
paul.porral: Blauet comu - Martin pescador comun - Common kingfisher - Martin-pêcheur d'Europe - Alcedo atthis
Justin Minns: Flamingos in the fog
usatw2000: Explore 2024/3/31