Hubert Hung: Just caught in time
Hubert Hung: Out of a hole
Hubert Hung: Weasel in the shade
Hubert Hung: Weasel on a log
Hubert Hung: Otter (female) - Twinkle?
Hubert Hung: Hamish before he went to taunt the owls
Hubert Hung: Red squirrel with a disk of banana
Hubert Hung: Fantastic Mr Fox
Hubert Hung: Stirling
Hubert Hung: On a limb
Hubert Hung: The masked bandit
Hubert Hung: Peering around a tree stump
Hubert Hung: DSG_9451
Hubert Hung: Portrait of a red fox
Hubert Hung: An American mink
Hubert Hung: A pine martin with a crick in his neck
Hubert Hung: A stoat
Hubert Hung: Feeding time for the stoat
Hubert Hung: Fox cubs and a parent trying to sleep
Hubert Hung: An orphaned fox cub
Hubert Hung: A fox cub looking very forlorn
Hubert Hung: A fox cub in the hole
Hubert Hung: A baby badger with a keeper
Hubert Hung: A baby badger
Hubert Hung: Rolling around in the grass
Hubert Hung: I could do with a clam
Hubert Hung: A polecat about to pounce
Hubert Hung: A water vole
Hubert Hung: Peaking behind a log
Hubert Hung: Live long and prosper