Hubert Hung: Catch in the outfield
Hubert Hung: DSF_4191
Hubert Hung: DSF_4199
Hubert Hung: DSF_4205
Hubert Hung: Jess at the plate
Hubert Hung: The umpire and catcher
Hubert Hung: DSF_4260
Hubert Hung: A throw from the out field
Hubert Hung: DSF_4297
Hubert Hung: DSF_4332
Hubert Hung: Keeping a foot on base
Hubert Hung: It was a cold afternoon for softball
Hubert Hung: DSF_4363
Hubert Hung: DSF_4374
Hubert Hung: DSF_4380
Hubert Hung: DSF_4402
Hubert Hung: DSF_4408
Hubert Hung: DSF_4431
Hubert Hung: A late tag
Hubert Hung: DSF_4450
Hubert Hung: DSF_4465
Hubert Hung: DSF_4471
Hubert Hung: Catch it!
Hubert Hung: Brandy's home run
Hubert Hung: Dive, dive, dive!
Hubert Hung: DSF_4499
Hubert Hung: Now that's commitment to keeping your foot on base!
Hubert Hung: DSF_4517