Vicktrr: Hooker Valley Track
Vicktrr: Southern Right Whale
Vicktrr: Horse of the Year Show, New Zealand
Vicktrr: RV Tangaroa leaving Wellington harbour for Antarctica
Vicktrr: RV Tangaroa leaving Wellington harbour with common dolphins
Vicktrr: Hector's dolphins
Vicktrr: Hector's dolphin
Vicktrr: Mallard ducklings
Vicktrr: Sperm whale
Vicktrr: New Zealand fur seals
Vicktrr: Kaikoura ranges
Vicktrr: Red crowned kakariki
Vicktrr: Wellington harbour fireworks
Vicktrr: North island robin
Vicktrr: Craters of the Moon
Vicktrr: North Island robin
Vicktrr: North Island robin
Vicktrr: North Island robin
Vicktrr: Dunnock
Vicktrr: Kereru
Vicktrr: Tui
Vicktrr: Silvereye
Vicktrr: Tui
Vicktrr: Breaker Bay
Vicktrr: Kaka
Vicktrr: Kaka
Vicktrr: Black swan
Vicktrr: Volcanic valley
Vicktrr: Auckland Botanic Gardens
Vicktrr: Franz Josef glacier